This “More Ideas” section presents ideas on topics distinct from tech law or business. They may relate to law, literature, music, philosophy, personal life, politics, dogs, food, and other topics. No express limit has been placed. What it turns out to be is what it will be.
A posted Idea may reflect my beliefs. It may reflect another’s beliefs. Some will be antithetical to my way of thinking. Some ideas will not be presented as anyone’s, but just as ideas. I will try to be clear as to which are ideas are beliefs, and in in that case, whose they are. Then your conclusions will be yours, maybe beyond my further influence.
Full responsibility for posting things here lies with me. The general urge for each posting is simply the urge to post it, to put these ideas out in the world, for critical review, acceptance, rejection, further airing, further discussion, whatever happens as a result of its posting. The drive to communicate runs strong in me. I’ll try to be careful in assessing the consequences before anything is posted. Expect no more care in that, though, than the moment’s awareness and instinct. Expect nobody’s standard of diligence.
Each posting should feel like a step, and some like a leap, into the eternal silence of the infinite spaces that Blaise Pascal observed and disturbed nearly 400 years ago.